JUSTRI returns to Istanbul for a one-day meeting for Medical Students on Saturday 28th April 2018.

Topics include Sex is Messy, use of recreational drugs & sex, what is HIV, testing, co-infection and a history of HIV.

Medical Student meetings address the limited teaching around HIV and sexual medicine within the curricula of UK and foreign medical schools, we conduct one-day teaching modules of didactic lectures and Q&A sessions, to improve knowledge and generate an interest in HIV and associated conditions for medical students, whatever career path they may take.

“I can honestly say that there wasn’t a single word or session I did not find to be helpful…..”

(Istanbul Medical Student)

“All the speakers’ lecturers were successful and I enjoyed each one of them. I what I really liked was the freedom and naturalness of the lecturers. These qualities made the absorption of knowledge easier and more interesting…..”

(Istanbul Medical Student)


Thank you to all the participants that completed their evaluation forms. Your feedback helps us to improve our services and focus on which ones we provide. Click below to download the PDF.


“When I decided to attend I was not expecting that much. However, this meeting gave me too many things to think about. During the meeting, we saw almost everything about HIV, almost every point of view. This was really effective. I want to take more part in these events…..”

(Istanbul Medical Student)

“I really enjoyed “how to put on a condom” workshop. It was essential. Also talking about different kind of fantasies may have added to the workshop….”

(Istanbul Medical Student)


Below is a selection of images taken at the meeting in Istanbul Feel free to download and/or share the images you are in.

“They asked us first, in order to make us think, and then explained it after. It was good….”

(Istanbul Medical Student)

“Being able to listen live to the story of a life of an HIV Patient was amazing. It’s one of those activities that you do not get the chance to attend daily or often. That is why I really appreciate the organizing committee for coming….”

(Istanbul Medical Student)


Just how hard is it to put a condom on in the heat of the moment? The Condom Challenge is a fun game where two groups of participants are handed a banana and a handful of condoms. The aim of the game is to put on and remove the condom “correctly”, then hand it to the next person who must also repeat the procedure, and so on. You race against time and each other showing how it can be harder than it looks, let alone in the throws of passion!

I learned what water sports, petting and teabagging means. I am sure what I learnt today will be helpful many years later when I start work as a physician….”

Istanbul Medical Student


This is the current programme for the Medical Students meeting in Turkey. Feel free to save it for future reference.