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Adventure Medic is an award-winning, free, online magazine for students and healthcare professionals interested in wilderness, expedition and humanitarian medicine.Taking a year out in Australia? Heading off with MSF? Overwintering in Antarctica? As a group of friends with a love for travel and exploration, we began Adventure Medic to support our fellow medics in pursuing interesting, charitable or unusual paths through life. We wanted to inspire you with tales of adventure and to lift your spirits with stunning photography and breathtaking video. We started as a downloadable PDF, became a web-only magazine in 2013 and we are now proud to say that we have readers and contributors from all over the globe.

AIDS InfoNet

A  collection of single-page fact sheets on over 130 HIV/AIDS topics. Written in non-technical language; excellent for patients. Available in various languages. Can be downloaded in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF formats from the web site.

EACS (European AIDS Clinical Society)

EACS is a not-for-profit group of European physicians, clinicians and researchers in the field of HIV / AIDS. Established in 1991, it now has over 500 members and aims to bring together
scientists from all over Europe and to help exchange the latest information regarding clinical aspects of the disease.

EATG  (European AIDS Treatment Group)

The EATG’s mission is to achieve the fastest possible access to state of the art medical products, devices and diagnostic tests that prevent or treat HIV infection or improve the quality of life of people living with HIV, or who are at risk of HIV infection.

BHIVA (British  HIV Association)

BHIVA is an 800-member association with a commitment to provide excellence in the care of HIV-infected individuals. BHIVA holds two regular annual conferences, which encourage UK research to be presented in a formal setting and invites eminent international speakers to present state of the art data to BHIVA members.

HIV i-Base

HIV i-Base is a treatment activist group, HIV-positive led and committed to providing timely HIV treatment information both to positive people and to health care professionals. i-Base
was formed in April 2000 by the former publications, editorial and meetings team from the AIDS Treatment Project.


EHNN (European HIV Nursing Network)
HIV Drug Interactions
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health
Medical Research Council UK
Agence nationale
de recherches sur le sida et les hépatites virales
International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials
AIDS Clinical Trials Group
Swiss HIV Cohort Study
NHIVNA Nursing Compentencies
Medicines Agency
World Health Organisation
World Health Organisation, Regional Office Europe
Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS
International AIDS Society
Datenbank über
HIV-bedingte Reise & Aufenthaltsbeschränkungen (community-based
organisation from UK, providing comprehensive information on HIV)
Aids-Hilfe Schweiz
Pozitif Yasam Derne?i PLA – Positive Living Turkey