by Brent Nicholls | Jan 18, 2021 | How To Guides, Latest, News
The Right Time, Justri’s guide for caring for those ageing with HIV, is now available in 6 languages. Apart from the original English version, you can now download it in French, German, Italian, Spanish & Turkish. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IN YOUR...
by Brent Nicholls | Sep 29, 2017 | Could This Be HIV, How To Guides
This guide is a practical resource for HCPs and unPLHIV to better identify latent or clinical HIV, to increase early HIV testing, to reduce late presentation and thereby avoid unnecessary illness and death. ‘Could this be HIV?’ provides an instant recognition alert,...
by Brent Nicholls | Sep 15, 2016 | Fibroscan Training, How To Guides, Latest, Meetings, Video
Techniques for the non-invasive evaluation of liver damage have changed markedly over the past few years. This one day training will provide state of the art information and guidance on how best to utilise these tools within clinical practice in the participants’ own...
by Brent Nicholls | Oct 1, 2015 | How To Establish..., How To Guides
How To Establish A Viral Hepatitis Clinic: Now In French! The Justri ‘How To Establish A Viral Hepatitis Clinic’ hopes to give you a clear understanding of the issues involved in establishing a dedicated clinic and that by sharing the information with your colleagues...
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