by Brent Nicholls | Nov 8, 2022 | Latest, Meetings, News
The medical students’ training events organised by JUSTRI have been well received in the past and it was with great sadness that those planned for 2020 were delayed during the COVID pandemic. However, two have now been completed in 2022, albeit with some...
by Brent Nicholls | Aug 24, 2022 | Latest, Meetings, News
JUSTRI took part of HIV Sibiu Dialogues V Hybrid Edition, 26-28 May 2022 Presenting Skills Tool Kit Training on Saturday 28th between 9am-12.30pm. The meeting covered an introduction to HIV research, Developing A Research Proposal and other essential research &...
by Brent Nicholls | Jun 19, 2019 | Latest, Meetings, News
MEDICAL STUDENTS: Istanbul, Turkey Sat 27.6.19 JUSTRI continues its work with Medical Students with a meeting in Istanbul, Turkey on Saturday 27th April. The topic of conversation is Hepatitis, HIV, Sexual Health & TB including sessions such as “Sex Is Messy”,...
by Brent Nicholls | Jan 9, 2019 | Latest, Meetings
THE TOOLKIT TRAINING is designed for junior doctors, nurses and others who may be interested to learn the skills of research and presentation of information. This training is at the Burroughs Room, Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London, NW! 2BE. Topics include...
by Brent Nicholls | Mar 9, 2018 | Latest, Meetings
JUSTRI returns to Istanbul for a one-day meeting for Medical Students on Saturday 28th April 2018. Topics include Sex is Messy, use of recreational drugs & sex, what is HIV, testing, co-infection and a history of HIV. Medical Student meetings address the limited...
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